Monday 15 July 2013

How to print a Kitty Cat!

Purple Cat Collagraph Print

My purple cat Collagraph print has proved very popular so I thought I'd try him out printed in black! Heres some photos of me printing him and getting very mucky in the process!

The cardboard printing plate ready to be inked up! He is stained purple as this was the last colour that I printed him in.

Rubbing the black/blue etching ink into the card printing plate, he is starting to disappear!

Wiping the printing plate clean, his cute little face is appearing! The ink stays in the textured places and wipes off the smoother parts of the printing plate to print the tones of the cat.
The printing plate on the press ready to be printed. The dampened paper is ready to go on top of him and the blanket on top of that.
The moment of reveal - he is squished through the press which forces the ink into the dampened paper!
I had to show this shot as there is always a Dalek watching over me while I print!
Finished print hot off the press!
Black Cat
Who could resist that little face!
This is the mucky part - even though I wear gloves I still always end up covered in printing ink, usually with a streak across my face!

Clare xx


  1. Very interesting and creative. I enjoyed this post very much.

  2. Great blog Clare. Is your camera covered in ink now too?

    1. Thank you, it was a bit inky as well as the rest of me!

  3. Great post Clare, I look to see how artists work :-)
    I love getting messy too lol

    1. Thank you, I love seeing behind the scenes too. One day I will get the OH to film me then you can all see how inky I really get!
