Wednesday 14 November 2012

Animal Art

I'm getting slightly obsessed with painting animals at the moment!

Sadly we lost my gran a few months ago and while going through all the many letters, photos etc we found lots of the drawings I had given her over the years, many in little frames where she had displayed them throughout her bungalow. Every one of them was of an animal so I think my obsession must have started at a very early age!

Most of my early drawings and paintings have disappeared so it is nice to have a few to look back on. Luckily even then I signed and dated everything so I now have a unique record of my work.

This little horse I drew when I was aged 12.

Another horse from when I was 12.

Little doggie from when I was 13.

My dog Kasia from when I was 18 (she did have a lump on the side of her face, its not just a wonky drawing!)

 I'm still painting dogs and horses, although cats do feature quite heavily now! 

And my painting style is a bit more dramatic!

 But I don't think my style has changed too much over the years and I'm still obsessing over animals!

Clare xx


  1. I'm sorry for your loss.

    These drawings are wonderful, it's so nice that your gran saved all of them through the years. Very special that she treasured your artwork.

  2. P.S. Your drawings and paintings are all great, I especially love the puppy in the shoe! Very cute.

  3. So sorry about your loss. I miss my own granny a lot.

    ...Your drawings are good - very alive. I love the portrait of Kasia. She has a lot of character.

  4. My sincerest blessings to you and the passing of your Grandmother.

    It is beautiful to find your paintings once given to her, makes it even more connective to that of your own experience when you shared your creativity with her. Your drawings are truly memorizing, thank you for sharing them with us. :)

    1. sorry for your loss. i too am obsessed with making animal art. yours is lovely!!

  5. You have sketched very nice animal sketches, these all are looking nice and the Little dogie sketch print is looking extraordinary from when you were 13, and i can surely say that you may be a great artist you have to do hart work and practice.

    bespoke art canvas
